Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our blog has moved!!

Because of some issues with security, our course blog has now moved. You can access the current version of it by following this link.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ah! The Blog Monster!

Hi Folks,

Welcome to the class blog for AMST 470: Southern Migration Narratives. Here you'll be able to post your reflections on the course readings, films, discussions, and on your experiences with migration narratives or migrating to different places and regions. I want to make this an analytical but more importantly, a creative space where you can reflect on the topics and themes that we'll be discussing. Posts should be brief (about a paragraph) and can include images, web links, etc., anything that will help us further understand the topic of migration and the South. You will post every other week and I will send you the posting schedule after our first meeting. So relax, enjoy, and blog away!